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Why should you use a web copywriter?

Most people turn to a web designer when they need a new  website because they know that making a good first impression is vital. But people  use the content to decide whether or not to buy, so it’s vital that it’s as  professional as the design.

If you’re thinking about writing your website content  yourself, here are five reasons why you should consider hiring a web copywriter  instead.

  1. A web copywriter will save you time. If you’re  busy or you simply don’t like writing, you’ll never find the time to write and  your website will never be finished. Brief a web copywriter and they’ll do the  hard work for you.
  2. A web copywriter will save you money. If you’re  writing content, you’re not doing business and you’re not making money. Give  the job to a copywriter. Then they can do their job – and you can do yours.
  3. A web copywriter will have a fresh perspective.  You know your business inside out. Is there a risk you’ll use jargon or  structure the website in a way that only an insider will understand? The  chances are your customers aren’t experts in your business. A web copywriter  will make sure that your business is understandable to everyone, not just those  in-the-know.
  4. A web copywriter is an expert in writing for the  web. Writing for the web is different to writing for print. A web copywriter  knows how to make copy work on screen. (See Top Tips  for Web Copywriting for a few hints).
  5. A web copywriter understands search engine  optimisation. Your content might be fantastic. But unless it’s been optimised,  there’s a risk no one will ever see it. A web copywriter understands how search  engines work and how to maximise the chances of your website being found. (See Choosing  Keywords for SEO for an introduction to this area.)

So there you go, five reasons to use a web copywriter. I  hope they’ve convinced you to consider one for your website project.