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Why we like WordPress

We use WordPress to build our websites. We use it because we think it’s the best web content management system out there.

But here’s a question that got us thinking recently: why do we like WordPress so much? It took us back to basics and made us think again about why we’re such fans. Here’s what we came up with.

It’s great for tech bods

  • It’s easy to set up, so saves us time.
  • It’s easier to support than many different site architectures because it’s so user-friendly.
  • There are a wide range of plugins and support forums so you can easily tailor it to a client’s precise requirements.
  • Its restrictions force us to use best practice, which is often simply using a solution that someone else has already come up with.
  • Like any popular system, it’s often the target of spam attacks, but there are lots of plugins and blogs to solve the problem.
  • It’s built using PHP, so we can tweak anything and everything we need to.

It’s great for admin geeks

  • Because everyone uses the same system, it’s easy to keep on top of things.
  • It’s a web-based system so every user has the latest version
  • It gives clients control over their websites so they’ve got the option to manage it in-house or outsource it as they want.

 It’s great if you’re a bit tech-phobic

  • It’s really easy to use (with a little training) so you can always do the basics of updating your website, no matter how inexperienced you are.
  • It’s logically laid out, so even if you don’t know where something is, it’s usually pretty easy to find.
  • You don’t have to do anything technical with images before you upload them: WordPress does all the hard work so your images always look good.

In short, WordPress has something for everyone and we’d happily recommend it to anyone.

Catherine Every at Pippin Consultancy
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