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How to optimise marketing emails for mobile

Mobile phones have come a long way from the huge, basic bricks that they once were – and today we’re using our smartphones for more and more. With the majority of people using at least one email app on their smartphone to check their mail on the go, email marketers need to make sure that they are optimising the content they send for mobile – otherwise, it’s going to be difficult for any recipients using mobile to read them.

Smartphones have made it easier for people to check their emails more often, which is good news for businesses looking to use email marketing, but on the other hand, an email that’s designed solely to be read on a desktop or laptop could look horrible on a mobile. Here’s what you need to do. 

Use the right email marketing tool

Good email marketing software will not only make it easy for you to get your emails sent out to all your mailing list at once, like this free email blast service, but also provide you with the tools that you need to create interesting, eye-catching marketing email designs. When choosing the right email marketing software for your brand, make sure that you prioritize mobile optimisation. 

Keep the images minimal

Too many images in a marketing email could quickly start to look cluttered on a smartphone screen, so keep it clean and simple when adding photographs, stock photos or graphics. Don’t overdo it with too many images and keep image sizes small; large images could lead to frustration as they could take a while to load on a smartphone using a Wi-Fi connection. 

Break up the text

A large block of text is always going to be more challenging to read than smaller chunks, and this is even truer when reading on a smartphone screen. When writing your email content, you should avoid using large paragraphs and don’t crowd multiple links together at once. Bear in mind that recipients using mobile might be on the go, so try and get straight to the point as soon as possible and use plenty of white space to break up the text. 

Grab attention

Being word-wise is crucial when it comes to grabbing attention with your subject line, preheader text, and ‘from’ label. Consider the fact that when your recipients are checking their email on a smartphone, you have a limited amount of real estate to make sure that you grab the attention of the reader. For example, on an iPhone screen in the Mail app, only the first thirty letters of a subject line are displayed, and the ‘from’ label is more prominent. 

Be touchscreen-friendly

When it comes to calls to action, buttons are a better choice than links as they are easier to click on compared to a link when using a touch screen. And, size your buttons well using plenty of space around them to avoid any mishaps. If you use more than one button, don’t place them too close together. 

To get the results that you want from email marketing, optimising for mobile is crucial.